Switching Plans

Switching Plans


We understand that there may be situations where it is advantageous to switch plans.

For example: you originally signed up for a monthly plan to evaluate Chronicler, and now wish to unlock the savings of an annual plan.

The Therapy Shelf Store allows you to easily switch to the plan that best meets your needs.

When am I billed?

Your new plan will take effect on your next subscription renewal, and your card will be charged at that time.

For example: if your monthly subscription renews on the 9th of next month, and you switched to an annual plan, we would stop billing for your monthly plan, and your card will be charged for the annual plan on the 9th.

How to Switch

  1. Log into your account at the Therapy Shelf Store.

  2. Click ‘My Subscription’ on the left side menu.

  3. Scroll down to the ‘Subscription totals’ and click ‘Switch plan’.

  4. Choose the plan you’d like to switch to, then click ‘Add to cart’.

  5. Confirm your cart details, and click ‘Proceed to checkout’.

  6. Agree to the Terms & Conditions, then click ‘Checkout’.

  7. You’re all set!

Want to learn more about Chronicler?

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