As a mental health practitioner, you may need your progress notes to adhere to a specific format. For example, your organization might require that all notes follow the S.O.A.P. note format.
This article covers the following information:
How to Copy + Paste from Chronicler
Supported Formats
The default note format. This is the preferred note format if a different format is not required.
This format is widely used across many healthcare professions.
Chronicler automatically formats your notes as they are created.
additional formats coming soon!
Copying + Pasting a note
The ‘Copy’ button will copy the entire note to your clipboard. You can then paste the note into the document storage system or E.H.R. of your choice.
With S.O.A.P. notes, you have the ability to copy individual sections (e.g. only copy “Subjective”), or copy the entire note.
Copying one section does not copy the section header. (e.g. if you copy the “Subjective” section, the word “Subjective” is not included.)
Copying the entire note does copy entire note, including section headers.